Happy Halloween From Two Lil' Spooks
HAPPY HALLOWEEN! Wishing you a night filled with ghosts and ghouls and loads of candy. Love, The Nelsons (aka A Pirate and his Parrot) ...
A Lifestyle Blog Celebrating Motherhood, Brotherhood, Outdoor Adventures, and Photography
HAPPY HALLOWEEN! Wishing you a night filled with ghosts and ghouls and loads of candy. Love, The Nelsons (aka A Pirate and his Parrot) ...
It was two years ago this week that we closed on our home. Two years! Where has the time gone? When we moved in, Jed was just a few months older than Levi is now. Again, where has the time gone? We love this home. ...
How to carve a jack-o-lantern in six easy steps with the Nelson family: Step 1: Scoop out the pumpkin's guts. Jed wasn't too sure how he felt about this slimy game. Needless to say, I took over. Bron's fist wouldn't fit...
The last weekend of October sure delivered! We enjoyed gorgeous warm weather and a plethora of things to do. It was fantastic and made even better by having Bron with us too. (He was gone two nights last week. It always takes...
Because Fall is all about the leaves... and pumpkins, and sweaters, and hayrides, and Halloween. Well, to celebrate the changing leaves and to take advantage of this beautiful weather we've been having, I grabbed some paper and crayons...
There are some moments during my day as a stay-at-home mom when I want to pull my hair out: like when the boys are wrestling (read: Jed repeatedly knocking Levi down, sitting on top of one another, pulling hair, biting, etc.), screaming, throwing...
We spent Saturday afternoon in the South Hills romping through the woods and roasting marshmallows over an open fire. When we arrived home, Levi was zonked out but Jed wasn't quite ready for bed just yet. So I put an arm around him and...
And now, for yet another installment of my personal favorite series: a peek at what everyday life looks like here in the Nelson home. ^^I don't know why, but Levi loves standing on the hearth and playing in the window^^ ^^Neighborhood...