Home Sweet Home

Home Sweet Home


It's official: WE ARE HOMEOWNERS!!!  And up to our eyeballs in debt.  Despite that, we are totally thrilled!  (And a little scared too.  Thoughts about properly caring for a house and yard can be a little overwhelming.  Plus,...

Beware: A Dragon Lives in the Woods

Beware: A Dragon Lives in the Woods


A little dragon has chosen our home for his lair this Halloween. He may look sweet, but really he's a ferocious monster (who doesn't like to have his picture taken)! He breathes fire and fear and chomps down with razor sharp teeth. He can...




It must be engineered into the Y chromosome.   Jed purses his lips and lets the spit rip.  "Bbrrmmmm," goes this truck's little engine all day long.   I never taught him that.  I can't make car noises if my life depended...




Bird House Gou...

The Pumpkin Patch

The Pumpkin Patch


  Our Pumpkin  Just exactly what is it about Fall that gets me so excited?  I love everything about it.  Fall seems to intoxicate all my senses: the feelings, the sights, the smells of the season.  It all seeps into my pores...

Goober Grins

Goober Grins


This boy makes my day. Love you, Jed!...

I Can Sew

I Can Sew


I can sew... sort of. I am sewing Jed a Halloween costume.  He's going to be a scary dragon.  I must be crazy.  Me, who has zero patience when it comes to sewing?  Yes, because I'm a first-time mom and I love my son.  And...

Here's to Happiness: This Weekend

Here's to Happiness: This Weekend


 Can you believe this is Jed just last fall? This picture makes me happy! What made me happy this weekend: Cuddling with Jed as he guzzled his sippy of milk first thing in the morning.Going out to dinner with my boys.Seeing the look on Jed's...

Mommy VS. Homemaker

Mommy VS. Homemaker


Play Dough: Our rainy day activity. Autumn has finally arrived. This is our first drizzly week here in Idaho. But I can’t complain; this kind of rain doesn’t hold a candle to the infinitely dreary days we left behind in New York. Bron and...

Cookie Dough

Cookie Dough


Baking weather is beginning to descend upon us.  I made cookies this weekend and thought it would be fun to include Jed in the process.  Jed stood on a chair and LOVED being able to see all that was going on.  I made sure he was far...

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