Motherhood with Three
And yet, despite the hard moments, I feel like I am in my element. I feel like I am exactly where I need to be and doing exactly what I was meant to do! I find so much joy in this job called motherhood. For instance, Conrad gives the best coos and smiles on his changing table. The way he looks up at me, milk drunk and happy after nursing, is priceless. Levi tells the best stories at the dinner table that often leave us in stitches laughing. And reading the first Harry Potter book to Jed is something both he and I look forward to every afternoon! Though the house is often littered with toys and I can't find my pillow and there are jolly ranchers smashed into the carpet, there's a deep sense of contentment I feel at the end of the day as I tuck my babies into bed. It's worth everything. They are worth everything.
P.S. Levi chants, "Merry Christmas! Happy Mother's Day! Sweet Dreams!" each evening before I shut his door. I hope he never outgrows saying it and if he does, teaches the phrase to Conrad to carry on for a few more years as Jed taught him.