It's a New Year!  2016 Quick Review

It's a New Year! 2016 Quick Review


It's been a good year.  As I look back, I am amazed at how much we did!  We were busy.  This year was one to remember for sure.  We've been blessed with so much: health, loving family members and friends, and the opportunities...

Christmas Day 2016

Christmas Day 2016


Due to the demands of a newborn, this year was a little bit harder for me to catch that magical Christmas spirit that makes me so excited.  I mean, I didn't even have anything wrapped until two days before the big day!  Instead, that Christmas...




^^Christmas Eve. This sweet scene stole my heart for a minute.^^ I have never co-slept with any of my babies... until now.  I've cautiously thrown the experts' safety warnings to the curb in exchange for my sanity.  Sleep deprivation is...

My Three Boys

My Three Boys


Adding a third child has come with its challenges (read: the witching hours are REAL!) but for the most part Jed and Levi are adjusting to their baby brother's presence like champs.  They're not actually sure what to DO with Conrad because...

A Birth Story for Conrad

A Birth Story for Conrad


Written in a notebook in the hospital and over the next few days... He's here!  And I am still in thankful disbelief that he's real.  This perfect little body with a wide nose, big eyes, and soft cheeks is now a part of our family forever. ...

Welcome, Baby Boy!

Welcome, Baby Boy!


He's here!  Introducing... Conrad Joseph Nelson November 11, 2016 3:30PM 9lbs 5oz 22 inches It's appropriate to say that I'm a puddle on the floor, head-over-heels in love with him. I can't help but silently thank my Heavenly Father...

Third Baby Bumpdate: 38 Weeks

Third Baby Bumpdate: 38 Weeks


I am thrilled to announce that this is the very last bumpdate of this pregnancy!  In fact, it could possibly be my very last bumpdate ever.  The thought makes me feel a bit nostalgic as I look at this big round belly in the mirror. ...

Happy Halloween from the Dark Side

Happy Halloween from the Dark Side


The Holiday Season is officially upon us.  And I am feeling the buzz!  Lucky for us, the Holidays are made 100 times better with little kids around.  Their enthusiasm and excitement just seems to rub off on me.  Plus, we'll...

Hiking in "The City" and Other October Highlights


This Fall has been a little different for me.  I just haven't seemed to have the energy to get out and go and do {and photograph!} all of the fun seasonal stuff that I love.  But that's understandable.  I'm very pregnant for the third...

A Baby Shower + A Girls' Night Out

A Baby Shower + A Girls' Night Out


My sweet friends threw me a baby shower Friday night and words cannot express how lucky I feel to have their caring presence in my life! We began by stuffing our bellies full of some AMAZING homemade soups for dinner followed by opening presents. ...

A Video: Princesses VS Big Bad Wolf

A Video: Princesses VS Big Bad Wolf


For our ward Harvest Party this year, each auxillary was asked to make a short video.  This is what my Beehives and I came up with.  You've been forewarned: it's painfully corny. ...

Grandma's 80th Birthday

Grandma's 80th Birthday


^^Grandma with five of her great-grandchildren: Jed, Levi, Jaxon, June, and Carter^^ We spent the most memorable weekend with extended family at a cabin way up in the La Sal mountains outside of Moab, UT.  We all gathered there to celebrate...

Trip to the Hogle Zoo

Trip to the Hogle Zoo


We spent the most memorable weekend with extended family celebrating my Grandma's 80th birthday!!! But first, I want to reminisce about our pit-stop a the Hogle Zoo on our way south. Jed had both Thursday...

Snapshots and a Few Stories from Lately

Snapshots and a Few Stories from Lately


Life has been humming along this September.  Levi and I enjoy our {mostly relaxed} days together doing laundry and reading stories and just getting stuff done: like making caramel apples for lunch!  We've gone to regular doctor appointments...

Third Baby Bumpdate: 32 Weeks

Third Baby Bumpdate: 32 Weeks


^^The bump at 31 weeks^^ It is approximately a mere eight weeks (maybe less!) until we meet baby boy number three! I have so many thoughts and feelings about this pregnancy floating around in my head. Although this has probably been the hardest...

A Family Afternoon in the South Hills

A Family Afternoon in the South Hills


This weekend left me feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.  I think we all needed a little mountain air and family time!  It's been a little different this year, modifying the way we explore and adventure together.  Being so pregnant,...

Flying Airplanes

Flying Airplanes


Flying airplanes! I think I needed this more tonight than the boys did. I feel like there's so much to squeeze inside those precious hours between 3:45 and bedtime: snack, homework, sports, dinner, shower... there's just not enough time to play! Well,...

Levi's First Day of Preschool

Levi's First Day of Preschool


 Dear Levi, This morning was your very first day of preschool!  You've been anxiously waiting for this day, asking over and over again when it's finally your turn to go.  Well, today was your big day!  You'll be attending our...

Labor Day Weekend

Labor Day Weekend


I always look forward to Labor Day weekend: summer's last hoorah!  And somehow, it always gets swallowed up with extended family.  But I don't mind.  That's half the fun.  So let me briefly recap what we did all three of our free...

Jed's First Day of First Grade

Jed's First Day of First Grade


Dear Jed, You handsome stud, you.  It's here.  Your first day of first grade!  You were busting at the seams with excitement this morning as you dressed in the brand new outfit you helped pick out.  We parked and played on the...

Wrapping up Summer at Ross Falls

Wrapping up Summer at Ross Falls


For the entire past week Levi has been walking around {and going places!} wearing one green size 8 sandal and one yellow size 10 sandal.  I swear, that kid would lose his head if it wasn't attached.  I keep waiting for the other sandal...

Third Baby Bump Date: 25 Weeks

Third Baby Bump Date: 25 Weeks


^^Wow, does five weeks make a difference!  Check out how I wore the same shirt just over a month ago.  Whoa.^^ It's time to document this growing bump that feels like a heavy soccer ball and the baby that we're all getting super excited...

Pierre's Hole Bike Race

Pierre's Hole Bike Race


^^Biking buddies: Bron, Dan, and Bryce^^ This weekend Bron conquered Pierre's Hole, a 30 mile mountain bike race around Grand Targhee, for the third time. He got a PR coming in at under 4 hours. So proud (and slightly jealous) of my man!  One...

Levi's 4th Birthday Party

Levi's 4th Birthday Party


^^My favorite 4 year old!^^ Summer has got to be the best time of year to celebrate a birthday!  There are just so many fun things to do and the party doesn't end until the sun goes down--well after 9:00PM.  It's like a dream! ...

Happy Fourth Birthday, Levi!

Happy Fourth Birthday, Levi!


 ^^I took Levi to Sips for a special birthday treat: soda and a cookie with a lime on top!^^ Dear Levi, Happy 4th Birthday!  I want you to know what a spot of sunshine you are in my life.  Happy, energetic, and charismatic,...

We Beat the Heat Camping

We Beat the Heat Camping


We escaped the 100 degree heat this weekend and headed into the South Hills for a little camping adventure!  The boys had been looking forward to this trip all week and they were busting at the seams with excitement.  (Full disclosure: I...

Snapshots and Our Top 5 July Highlights

Snapshots and Our Top 5 July Highlights


^^This handsome stud.  He insisted I take his picture here because my original plan was ruined by the sprinklers.  Haha.  What a sweet kid!^^ Best Frien-emies. Some hours of the day I want to throw my hands up in the air...

A S'mores Adventure in the South Hills

A S'mores Adventure in the South Hills


We spent our Sunday evening as a family roasting marshmallows over a fire and going on a short hike in the South Hills. But let me back up a little bit.  I may or may not have gone a little hog wild on my trip to Hobby Lobby with Momma Nelson...

Gone Fishing

Gone Fishing


The boys have been begging to go fishing for a while now.  So Thursday evening, we made it happen!  We took the boys down to {the heavily stocked} Bass Lake.  We baited our hooks with HOT DOGS and began catching fish every 2-3 minutes. ...

Happy Birthday America!

Happy Birthday America!


I think we convinced our boys that Independence Day is indeed one of the best holidays of the year.  There's something about seeing flags everywhere that makes one feel patriotic and proud. We began our three day weekend with a barbecue...

Levi's Third Set of Wheels

Levi's Third Set of Wheels


^^My boys out on an evening bike ride.  They had fun careening down the freshly paved hill behind our house.  It was literally a dirt and gravel road just yesterday morning!^^ Yesterday we took a quick trip to Sun Valley for an appointment. ...

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