A Funeral, Graduation, and Easter

Wow! What a long, fun, family-filled weekend!

My weekend started with Grandpa Nelson's funeral on Thursday afternoon. Grandpa passed away Sunday April 5th. The funeral was really well done. There were a few talks and a couple of musical numbers. But the best part was the spirit felt there. I had the distinct impression that absolutely the only thing that matters in life is FAMILY. Just like it mentions in the hymn,"O My Father", we're all strangers here on earth; we're all children of our Heavenly Father having a mortal experience. We're supposed to help each other, serve one another, cry together, laugh together, and just support one another through all the ups and downs of life. What a great blessing it is to know that I can be with my family forever. I love ALL my family too. The more I hang out with the Nelson side of my family, the more I like 'em! I think I've finally got the family politics and who's who mostly figured out. They make me laugh. :)

Bron graduated with his bachelor's degree in Animal Science on Friday morning!!! Wahoo! I could tell... he was genuinely happy and excited. :) Do you know what he told me last night? He said he smiles in pictures because he knows it means a lot to me. Now how many women have a man like that?!? I love my man!

Birthday Boy and Merri Sue

Saturday was Flint's (dad-in-law) surprise 50th birthday party! My sis-in-law, DeAnn, (thoughtful girl) put together a scavenger hunt around town for him. He was the last to arrive at Craigos (the best pizza place ever). It was totally out of his element... which made it so much fun! We made sure he got practical old man things like a cane, vitamins for 50+, and metamucil. :) hehe

Bron with his brand new bike!

Saturday Bron bought himself a graduation present: A MOUNTAIN BIKE!!! He "test drove" some out in the parking lot. When it came to the most expensive bike with the nice gears and big tires, his face lit up. This was "the one". So we bought it! He's thrilled. I told him his life sucked this last semester--just milking cows and going to school--he needed a hobby. So he's found one. He's wanted to get into biking for a while now. Monday night I borrowed a bike and we went on an 11 mile loop: up hills, across 3 bridges, and on and off dirt roads, against the wind. Not kidding. My legs felt like jelly. But it was a BLAST! We're gonna do it again. We finished off Saturday at the all you can eat steak house with some friends who graduated too.

Travis and Kim

Tyson and Steph

Easter Sunday was yet another day spent with family. I wore my bright pink bride's maid dress from my sister's wedding to church. I knew the girls in my nursery class would love it. They drooled. They called it a princess dress! :) My favorite part about Sunday is dinner. Not just Easter Sunday, but every Sunday. We eat over at my in-laws and our momma can cook! After lasagna and french bread, we had an egg hunt in the yard for my nephews and little brothers. It was pretty entertaining. And the weather was perfect.

So this is living the good life...

P.S. Thanks to everyone who made Bron's graduation a good one. :)


  1. HI Jesse!!! NO prob in helping lauren with the blog-she needed one! Your blog is way cute! Hope all is well with you and your hubby!
    p.s. i LOVE easter too!

  2. Jess,
    Great blog. Now I can keep up with you and your adventures. Congratulation to Bron! Enjoy the biking.

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