Dancing the Night Away

My Honey and Me

Bron and I love going on dates. It's a weekend tradition I hope we continue for the rest of our lives, even if it is just a special treat and a movie at home. Oh, and I LOVE dressing up! Bron loves it too. He's the reason for my closet full of high-heeled shoes. I like looking good for my honey on occasion. It's a lot of fun!
Saturday night my in-laws, Flint and Merri Sue, took us out to dinner to celebrate Bron's graduation. I think we're more alike than we'd ever like to admit. We're all pretty social, love sea food, and are suckers for a good book. People complain about their in-laws. But I like mine! I think I lucked out.

Then it was off to the 2nd Chance Prom! A local radio station puts on a free dance every spring; anyone can come. I finally had an excuse to wear my chi-pao from my trip to China. It's beautiful! Bron and I like to dance any chance we get. And my hubby can dance! However, I really think he just likes making me dizzy... until I spun around and got my hair stuck on the button of his jacket! haha It was a fun night just dancing together and staring at other people's outfits and dancing styles. Ages there spanned from teenagers to the elderly. And everyone seemed to be having a good time. What more can be said about a dance other than it was wonderful to be close to Bron and totally worth spending some quality time together. I'm totally in love with my husband. Thanks for a good night, Sweetheart!

1 comment

  1. can I tell you how GORGEOUS you look in this picture? Bron is one lucky man. I'm also jealous of the random dance you got to go to! They don't have those here...guess I'll have to start one. ;) love ya!


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