Jed's First Tee Ball Season

Jed's First Tee Ball Season


^^The Orange Grasshoppers vs. the Red Gators.  Friends and neighbors playing against other friends and neighbors. Jed, Wyatt, Brennan, Piper, and Ally^^  This year, we have officially entered into new territory as parents: the busy...

Third Baby Bumpdate: 18 Weeks

Third Baby Bumpdate: 18 Weeks


I figure it's about time for a little pregnancy update.  Though this pregnancy is flying by at lightning speed, I still have lots of thoughts and symptoms and plenty to talk about.  So hang on! How far along: 18 weeks plus some. ...

Farewell Call!  (And Some Thoughts on Parenting)

Farewell Call! (And Some Thoughts on Parenting)


^^All six handsome Nelson brothers.  They share a close, unique and special bond and actually enjoy getting together.  I feel so fortunate to have married into this good looking, fun, hard-working, family.^^ These last two weekends...

Kaui: Part III Waimea Canyon

Kaui: Part III Waimea Canyon


Last, but certainly not least, was our last day spent in Kauai.  We finally left the North side of the island and ventured to the South and West.  We wanted to check out Waimea Canyon, also known as the Grand Canyon of the Pacific. ...

Kauai: Part II The Queen's Bath, Secret Beach, and Kayaking

Kauai: Part II The Queen's Bath, Secret Beach, and Kayaking


^^View of Hanalei Bay at sunset on a rainy day^^ The rest of our week in Kauai is a giant blur of exploration, food, and good old fashioned fun. If you know Bron very well, you know he likes to go-go-go!  He wore me out.  After the sun...

Kauai: Part I Kalalau

Kauai: Part I Kalalau


How do I even begin describing our trip?  It was literally full of rainbows, countless waterfalls, and chickens.     It all started back around the new year.  Finances had lined up and it just seemed like the right...

A Day in the Life 2016

A Day in the Life 2016


Welcome to the fourth annual "A Day in the Life" post!  Though it may have been late in the month, I still managed to document a fairly typical day around the Nelson home before May was over and school got out.  Whew!  Pregnancy morning...

Rub a Dub Dub.  Twenty-One Kids in a Chlorinated Tub.

Rub a Dub Dub. Twenty-One Kids in a Chlorinated Tub.


Summer has officially arrived!  Finally.  That last week of school (okay, maybe almost the entire month of May) was a killer.  Why do schools even bother to stay in session past Memorial Day?  I'm telling you, it's dumb. ...

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