Two Superheroes in Training

Two Superheroes in Training


This week I decided to forgo some of my regular chores to do something creative instead.  Two and a half nap times and the fiasco of the red thread later (Who knew spools of thread actually run out?  I thought they lasted forever!) and we...

Jed's Gonna Be a Rockstar

Jed's Gonna Be a Rockstar


Jed's dreams for playing the guitar have finally come true!  Isn't he the cutest little rockstar you've ever laid eyes on?!  His face is all grins when he holds that guitar.  I'm so excited for Jed.   I've always planned on starting...

Monthly Photography Challenge: Hearts

Monthly Photography Challenge: Hearts


What could be more appropriate for February than hearts?  There could be so many variations on this theme (like what makes my heart skip a beat!) but I decided to go with the literal thing.  Enjoy! Don't forget to poke around these...

Our Valentine's Day

Our Valentine's Day


^^My man children looking handsome in their Sunday best.  Yes, Levi chose the outfit with the green shirt.  He had a death grip on it at the store!^^ Happy Valentine's Day!   We keep Valentine's pretty low-key around here,...

When My Little Boys Know More Than I Do

When My Little Boys Know More Than I Do


1. Last week when I had started my period again, for the thirteenth time, I snuck away into an empty bedroom and sunk to my knees.  I just couldn't help the hot tears and poured out my heart to my Heavenly Father.  I mean, after two smooth...

A Girls' Weekend in Park City!

A Girls' Weekend in Park City!


^^The Girls: Amy, Shelly, Jessie, Jodi, and Amy^^ What a fantastic, rejuvenating, and relaxing weekend!  I can think of few things better than hanging out for three consecutive days with the finest friends a girl could ask for.  With...

Budding Independence and Snapshots of Life Lately

Budding Independence and Snapshots of Life Lately


It recently occurred to me just how BIG my boys are getting.  They're certainly not babies anymore.  They just don't need me like they did a year, or even two years, ago!  It's liberating in some ways, but I've come to realize the...

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