A Day in Montreal

Bron decided I needed a little spoiling this weekend and took me to spend the day in French speaking Montreal, QC.  I love Montreal!  There is so much to see and do!  I don't think we'll ever find time to cover it all.  

When Bron heard that there were some Russian restaurants and stores in Montreal, we knew we had to check them out.  Bron spent two years on a mission in Western Siberia.  Our first stop was at a little Russian grocery store.  Bron was like a kid in a candy store; he was so excited!  They had many of his favorite Russian delicacies, so we picked up a little of each.  He even got the chance to brush up on his Russian language skills too.  So cool.

Next, we explored the Underground Mall.  I had a lot of fun with Bron trying on new suit coats.  He looks so handsome all dressed up!  

Check out what I ate for lunch:

Yes, folks, that's a giant crepe smothered in Nutella then topped with a banana, icecream, pineapple, strawberries, and more chocolate!  I was in heaven.  Bron was too.  He ate sushi.  I still think my meal was better. 

That evening, we perused St. Catherine's street and walked to Old Town.  The city's most unique feature is that there are ornate cathedrals standing next to modern high rise buildings on almost every block. It's beautiful!  I got the chance to practice my camera skills.  If you think the cathedrals are cool looking on the outside, the insides are breathtaking.  

Thanks, Montreal, for a beautiful day out!


  1. Wow, maybe that's somewhere you can take Talon and I when we come to visit. Will I need a passport? (haha!)

  2. Yup. Definitely need a passport to cross the border. We'd LOVE to take you guys there!

  3. How fun! I'd love to hear Bron speak Russian sometime. That'd be cool! Again, beautiful pics!


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