Baby Shower Miner Farm Style

Saturday the folks here at Miner Institute threw me a surprise baby shower!  Bron was invited too, of course.  No wonder he kept distracting me from whipping us up some lunch. 

The shower was really cute and so well put together!  My friends Anna and Roxanne planned the entire thing in all its details.  I'm so lucky to have friends like them!  It really meant a lot.  I just hope I can return the favor someday.  The lounge was decorated with blue ribbons, candles, and balloons.  Everyone contributed some great food, including chips, salsa, guacamole, meatballs, and an array of fruit with dip to snack on.  Yum!  Roxanne made an adorable farm cake complete with a red barn made from graham crackers.  She made sure to point out the "barn star" on the side.  It made me laugh out loud.  (There's a story behind that.)  Anna was in charge of the games.  We all guessed the five most popular baby names from the last decade and measured my bulging belly.  Amazingly, Bron is about as big around as I am!  Whoa.  I have a feeling I'm going to outgrow even his shirts soon though.  My favorite game was guessing the flavor in each jar of baby food.  Some are so gross smelling!

Then, of course, it was time to open gifts.  Heather made a special present just for Bron.  She stuffed a real leather toolbelt full of diaper changing supplies like diapers, wipes, baby powder, and "butt cream"!  It was an awesome idea!  Bron wore it proudly.  Everyone at Miner contributed money to buy us one big ticket item.  I had to close my eyes while they brought it out: a jogging stroller and car seat combo!  I can't tell you how delighted I was!  It's perfect; exactly what I wanted and definitely need.

Spatulas will be nice for lifting the baby's bottom without actually having to get Bron's fingers dirty. 
(Just kidding.)

The jogging stroller and car seat!  I didn't think my look of surprise was too embarrassing to post!

Our baby is now officially set to go.  You can come any time now, Jed!  Though it might be best if you hang in there for a few more weeks.  I'd like to get some extra things done while my womb still serves as a free babysitter.

Thanks to everyone who made Saturday such a memorable day!  You made us feel so good and cared about.  It means the world.


  1. Only 5 weeks left! CRAZY! soon you'll have your adorable little boy in your arms! I am very excited for you. Its great that you guys have so many friends while you are so far away from home.

  2. Yay for babies and baby showers! And just so you know, it takes me like a whole 8 pounds of pregnancy gain to pass up my husband in weight, inches around is a whole different issue. :) Hope everything goes well!

  3. The parties just never stop do they? First you get married, then babies, etc. I realize that I would have a very, very plain house were it not for gifts given us. Luckily Jed had a couple of bridal showers to help him too.

  4. How nice! I wish I could have been there!

  5. the cake sounds adorable, and i love the tool belt idea!

  6. What great friends! You definitely have to post pictures of the tool belt and the barn cake. They sound so cute!

  7. HOT DANG! I need one of those strollers. That cake rocks too. What name did you decide on? I couldn't read it!


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