
One of the highlights of my weekend was of making spudnuts with Bron on Saturday night!  Spudnuts are simply doughnuts made with leftover mashed potatoes and lots and lots of flour and sugar.  Melt-in-your-mouth yumminess!  We made your standard round doughnuts and maple bars, but then I decided to get creative and got out the cookie cutters.  We cut out hearts, clovers, and cows!   Then we fried them and smothered them in glaze or maple frosting and topped them with nuts or sprinkles.  My friend, Anna, brought over cow sprinkles just for the occasion!  Most of the cow spudnuts got a good sprinkling, but I thought the sprinkles worked nicely on the clovers too since cows like to eat them.  My kitchen was a total disaster afterwards, but it sure was a fun evening!

7 C flour
2 T yeast
2 2/3 C milk, warmed
1/3 C oil
1/3 C sugar
2 tsp. salt
2 eggs
1 1/3 C mashed potatoes

Mix all ingredients together, gradually adding flour until mixed thoroughly.  Let rise until doubled.  Punch down.  Roll out on floured surface to 1/2 inch thick.  Cut with doughnut, biscuit, or cookie cutter.  Let rise again and then fry in hot oil on both sides.  Glaze with thin powdered sugar icing or smother in whatever sugary concoction you think best!  Enjoy! 


  1. Oooh, Yum! I want the recipe for those...I love donuts!

  2. Just how many of those spudnuts did you eat anyway? Spudnuts are one thing Talon has wanted to make together but we haven't ever gotten to it. This might be the motivation I need.


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