The 10th Annual Day in the Life Post 2022

Who knew back in 2009 when I started this 'ol blog that it would become a family journal of sorts that I would still be using today thirteen years later?  This blog means so much to me.  I have many of the years printed into hard covered books.  The other day, Jed and Levi were lamenting that I don't love them as much as I love their little brothers.  I busted out the books and proved to them that they were each my whole world at the same ages as Conrad and Ezra are now.  They lit up with big grins, reading through what I wrote about them and seeing their pictures.  That is why I blog.  Or at least one reason.  My memory gets hazy.  This blog brings me so much joy to see pictures and read passages that bring back precious memories I otherwise would have forgotten.  And so I am determined to keep blogging, keep journaling, keep putting my thoughts and experiences to virtual paper.  It helps me process my feelings and is a safe place to store those things that are most precious to me.

Anyway, enough sentimental blabbering.  Welcome to the 10th annual day in the life post!  I chose Thursday April 21st this year instead of waiting til May.  A cold and rainy day just felt more authentic to document.  This winter has felt long and never ending.  Spring just keeps teases us only to disappear!  I wanted to remind myself of the beauty and the fun that really does exist right under my nose.    


Thursday April 21, 2022

6AM  My alarm woke me and I rolled out of bed to wake Levi for his field trip to Boise.  His class was leaving early to visit the state Capitol and the old penitentiary.  I fell back into bed as Bron got up for his work day and took Levi to school.

I am so fortunate!  Jed and Levi consistently get up with their alarm, shower, eat breakfast, and get themselves off to school -- with or without my help!  On this particular morning, Jed did just that.  I am so proud of those kids.

8AM  Conrad came to find me in bed.  I have a horrible habit of staying up way too late with Bron.  It makes it so hard to get up early in the morning to tackle my goals.  But I suppose a solid marriage relationship trumps my morning exercise routine.  Conrad and I snuggled and chatted for a few minutes.  Then we headed to the little boys' bedroom to get Ezra up and out of bed.  I changed his diaper and we read stories on the floor for a little while.
^^Ezra insisted on wearing his robe.  And he still has little dimples on his hands.  I love it.^^

9AM  Breakfast!  I got Ezra set up with some milk and cereal to hold him over while I made us all a hearty warm breakfast of scrambled eggs and toast.  Then the boys helped me empty the dishwasher and fill it up with the morning's dishes.

^^Conrad wanted to learn how to crack an egg!  He did really well by himself.^^
^^Those little tippy toes and that bear.  Kill me with toddler cuteness!^^

Ezra is an observant and smart little kid; he knows exactly what is going on and he loves to help!

10AM  Conrad helped me switch a batch of laundry and he started a batch on his own.  We admired my garden starts!  Not sure why I started pumpkins so early, but I'm excited.  Perhaps my black thumb isn't so black after all?  I'm determined!  I want to learn how to be a crazy plant lady and grow all sorts of fun things!  Then I made my bed and folded a few loads of laundry with Ezra in my lap half the time.  I texted back and forth with someone about setting up a family photography session.  The boys mostly played while I worked.

10:25AM  Conrad had this brilliant idea to eat popsicles outside!  It was only about 45* degrees, but that was not going to stop them.  I continued folding laundry as they ate on the front porch.

10:45AM  Time to fit in 30 minutes of exercise!  My favorite thing right now is a little HIIT with my kettlebell weights.  But oops!  Bron called about a minute into my routine.  So we talked for a while and then I finished exercising.  I always feel better when I make time to move.  Lifting weights helps my lower back so much!  I can tell that those diastasis recti movements I've been working on are helping my stomach muscles to come back together too!  It's pretty exciting, even if it's only noticeable to me.

11:30AM Shower time!  Conrad opted for watching cartoons, so it was just my little boyfriend and myself freshening up in the bathroom.  Ezra is such a little tease.  He likes to play hide-and-seek in my closet and explore all the drawers. 

^^One of my joys as a mom: wrapping my babies up in a towel after a bath. 🥰  I'm not quite sure what it is that makes me so happy.  Is it those chubby cheeks?  The eyes?  The fact that a standard towel covers his little body from head to toe?  It might be all of the above.^^

12:10PM  Lunch!  I set Conrad and Ezra up with what Conrad calls a lunchable.  He likes to eat a conglomerate of goodies from the fridge and pantry separated into the spaces of a muffin tin.  On the menu for Thursday were hot dogs, ritz crackers, cheese, strawberries, and marshmallows.

During that lunch hour, I sent my young women a reminder text and swept up some crushed ritz crackers between bites of my own food.  After lunch, Conrad delivered some homemade mail he drew up for the next door neighbor girls, his friends Ella and Clara.

1PM Nap time for Ezra!  My favorite two hour time slot of the day!

Conrad attended preschool from 12:30 - 3:00 every weekday afternoon up until April.  After spring break, I determined that though Conrad absolutely loved it, it was just one too many things for me.  I spent an hour in the car every afternoon just driving.  It was also hard being on such a timely schedule.  As a mom to a toddler, I often needed a twenty minute leigh way!  Plus, with Jed and Levi beginning lacrosse three days a week and needing to have dinner ready by 4:15PM, something needed to drop.  Conrad learned so much at preschool this year!  He's a little sponge just ready to soak up information.  So instead of leaving Conrad in front of the TV every afternoon during nap time, I made a goal to play with him for a little while or set him up with something creative. On this particular afternoon, Conrad chose to play with his marble set.  I had fun putting a run together with him!

I also took an hour during nap time to switch the laundry and take 25 minutes to reorganize the laundry room; it's become kind of a drop area for junk.  I finished writing a blog post and wrote out a list of missing posts from 2020 and 2021 that I'd like to plug in.  I also texted my friend Dani about carpooling to lacrosse and continued texting my young women about temple baptisms on Saturday.

3:30PM  Time to get Ezra up from his nap!  Jed came home from school.  He fed and walked the 4H cows.  Conrad fed and watered the dogs.  I made a quick dinner of homemade pizzas on hamburger buns with raw veggies.

4:40PM  We loaded up the car and were out the door to pick up two friends and go to lacrosse practice!

5:15PM  After dropping off the boys at lacrosse practice, I circled back around to the elementary school to pick up Levi from his field trip.  I brought him a snack and his lacrosse gear and dropped him off at practice too.

Then I headed to the mall to play at the indoor park with Conrad and Ezra.  It's one of their favorite things to do.  This trip, I spoiled them with a ride on an electric animal.  Conrad also figured out that he could zip down the slide much faster on his coat than his own sleeves.  Crazy kid!

We left a few minutes early to pick up Papa Murphy's pizzas and soda for Jed's birthday party the next day.

Finally, we picked up Jed and Levi and their friends from lacrosse practice at 7PM and headed home. 

^^It's lacrosse not football, boys!  LOL.^^

7:40PM  When things started falling apart.  When we arrived home everyone was hungry, the little boys were whining, and the big boys needed to take showers.  So I made up a snack for the little boys and began their bedtime routine: jammies, teeth, (an occasional story), family prayer, a song, and lights out!

8:35PM  Conrad and Ezra were tucked into bed.  Just kidding!  I was cleaning up the kitchen while Jed and Levi watched a YouTube video with their dad when Conrad came out of his room whining that he couldn't poop.  So I mixed up some apple juice for Conrad and sent him to bed a second time.

9:06PM  Goodnight Jed and Levi!  Time for this mama to put her feet up and relax and catch up with my hubby.

This year has thrown so much at me!  But I am slowly learning that busy is a state of mind.  I am learning to organize my time and be present while tackling any to-do list item, instead of anticipating the next thing or allowing myself to get sucked into texts and phone calls.  It means I've silenced all of my group church texts.  I check my phone often enough.  If my head is cluttered, my life feels out of control.  So I'm taking back control and finding happiness again in my day to day, even if it's just in little snippets.      

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