A Birth Story for Ezra


He's here!  Introducing the softest and squishiest bundle of joy who completes our family.

Meet Ezra Glen Nelson born on Friday May 22, 2020 at 4:29 PM weighing 9lbs 1oz and 21.5 inches long.

Ezra is my tiniest baby with by far the smoothest and quickest delivery.  It's true when they say no two deliveries are alike.  I now have four completely different, and yet uniquely beautiful, birth stories to tell and to relive over and over again in my mind and heart.

So let's back this story up to Thursday when I had my doctor appointment.  I was 38 weeks + 6 days pregnant and dilated to a "loose one centimeter" with plans for a 39 week induction because I grow my babies so large.  Doctor Cannon did a quick membrane sweep (WOWSERS! That was a bit painful.) in hope of "stirring the pot" to get things moving before the big delivery day on Friday.

Well, I didn't go into labor, but it worked!  Thursday afternoon I stayed as busy as possible, going on a walk with the boys and cleaning the house.  When Bron and I arrived at the hospital bright and early Friday morning at 6AM, I was already dilated to a "stretchy four".  Woot!  My body was already doing its thing.

Artifact Motherhood | Season of Motherhood


Baby's first sunrise.  Just think: a whole lifetime of possibilities ahead!   I wonder who this little boy will be.


This is Artifact Motherhood; a collaboration of artists from around the world who have come together to share our stories of the joys and struggles of our journey. Through our writings and visual records, we want to create memories that are more than photographs with dates written on the back. These are the artifacts we are leaving behind for our children and for generations to come.

This entry is a part of a series which we've begun doing called "Seasons of Motherhood" and is meant to be one picture and one caption that represents our current journey/season of motherhood.

Please VISIT THE NEXT ARTIST in our blog circle, Paige Rains, and continue through all the artists until you get back to me!

Welcome to the World!


He's here!  Introducing the softest and squishiest bundle of joy who completes our family.  I cannot get enough of those sweet cheeks.  I'm a mother of four now and it feels so right.  

Ezra Glen Nelson 
Friday May 22, 2020 
4:29 PM
9lbs 1oz
21.5 inches

4th Baby Bumpdate: 38 Weeks


Wrapping up this pregnancy journey with one last belly picture.  It feels bittersweet.

Because I make much bigger than average babies, the plan is to be induced this Friday at exactly 39 weeks.  That's less than three days away!!!  That is, if my body says it's ready.

I am so relieved to have an end date; something to count down to.  These last couple of weeks have been a bit of a doozy physically.  I have felt very tired and even nauseous.  Poor kids.  As if it was possible, life around here has gotten even more slow and boring!  My ankles have become so swollen that I don't even recognize my own limbs!  The only shoes I can wear are my flip flops.  (Um, yes, that is why I cropped out my face in these pictures.  You guys, I am a balloon.)  And false labor contractions have kept me on my toes, wondering if they'll turn into the real thing.  But nope; he's cozy in there.

Last Wednesday, I thought my water might have started leaking.  My underwear was uncommonly wet and I was having mild painful contractions every 20 minutes or so.  "Body," I thought, "what is going on?"  I decided to err on the safe side and went in to the hospital to see my provider. Wow, things changed in a week!  All of a sudden, new policies were in place that required everyone to wear a mask and more restrictive measures/signs were posted throughout the hospital.  It felt a bit apocalyptic.  Fortunately, the people behind those masks offered the same friendly service as always.  Apparently, I had a common vaginal infection that just needed some cheap antibiotics to clear up.  Eeew.

Anyway, exciting and miserable physical effects aside, I am so very grateful I got to experience the miracle of creating life within me one fourth and final time.  What a privilege!  I cannot believe this special time of my life -- the part where I'm pregnant and we grow our family -- is almost over.  I will miss this belly.  I will miss feeling the flutters and rolls and pressing my fingers against a tiny foot that moves in response.  I keep trying to imagine what he will look like, but I know breathing him in for the first time will exceed all my expectations. There is nothing on earth quite like the exciting anticipation of new life and all of the joys and possibilities it brings along with it.

Funny Faces


Funny Faces!

I'm at that point in pregnancy where all I want to do is sit on the couch, eat ice cream, and cry.  But Levi gave himself his first real dose of road rash from crashing on his bike today and needed a little distraction.  This worked for all of us.  It was so fun!

Our own twist on a trend I've seen on Instagram with Mickey Mouse eyes, Chewy eyes, and Jed's very own eyes.

A Day in the Life 2020


Welcome to the 8th annual Day in the Life Post -- also known as the annual post that almost didn't happen.  Between this quarantine and being nine months pregnant, I feel pretty spent of creative energy.  But I knew that if I dropped the ball this year, I'd regret it.  So I busted out the camera on Monday May 4, 2020 and went for it.  These aren't the prettiest or most creatively done batch of pictures.  In fact, I used a new to me preset for fun and I'm not sure I'm in love with the look.  But it is what it is and the goal was accomplished for yet another year.

So my dear readers, may I present A Day in the Life 2020, a special quarantine edition.

Fourth Baby Bumpdate: 36 Weeks


May is here!!!  It's finally baby month!  I can hardly believe it.  The thought that I will be holding another baby so soon feels surreal.  We are really going to have another baby?!  It blows my mind.  I am so excited.  I cannot put into words how much I am looking forward to all those sweet and precious firsts, beginning with the moment I get to hold him in my arms, smell the top of his head, and take in all the curves of his tiny face.

At the same time, however, I do not want to wish these last weeks away.  There's something magical about feeling a baby moving inside.  His kicks and hiccups bring a smile to face.  Yes, even when I'm trying to go to sleep.

The boys make fun of me these days.  I use more toilet paper than the rest of the house combined.  Every move I make comes with a sound effect and I move as slow as a sloth.  My ankles are swollen.  I cry over stupid things. (For instance, I wanted a salad one afternoon but the restaurant was closed!)  I'm playing closet roulette as the amount items that fit gradually shrinks (very literally).  There's a party in my belly and Braxton hicks from 9PM til 1AM every evening.  And I'm embracing the waddle.  When we go on walks, I sometimes have to stop for a second, because well, something inside goes ZING or I might pee my pants... or both.  But really, I'm surprised how far I can walk being so far along.  (Two or three miles!)  I am not nearly in the amount of pain I was in with Levi and Conrad.  This feels like a much more normal pregnancy and I am counting that as a tender blessing.

Birth isn't too far off.  I've become an insomniac with more bursts of energy than should be humanly possible. I was even up in the wee hours of the morning earlier this week with mild contractions that lasted three hours.  My body is getting ready!  

The lack of sleep and this big body have made me utterly exhausted, a little bit (or a lot) ornery, and definitely not the kind of wife, mother, and housekeeper I'd like to be.  I'm just not myself and that's hard on everyone!  But hey, this is my 4th rodeo and I recognize the pattern.  This is all temporary. We'll all be very happy to welcome Baby Boy when he arrives!


Now if you wouldn't mind sending up a quick prayer for a smooth and healthy delivery, I'd really truly appreciate it.  My nerves are beginning to get the best of me.  Send all the good thoughts!

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