Happy Birthday!

Yesterday, the man who makes my world spin had a birthday!  He is 28 years old.  Bron doesn't put much stock into birthdays.  To him, it's just another day on the planet; nothing special.  Well, Bron is definitely special to Jed and me!  (I also know for a fact that he's liked by a bunch of people called family and friends too.)  Bron is the best husband and father anyone could ever ask for.  We are lucky people to have him in our lives.  So I know he secretly appreciated the birthday sign and balloons we put up in honor of him.

 We celebrated Bron's birthday very simply. We had homemade sushi followed by the opening of one present from under the tree.  Then after putting Jed to bed, we did one of our most favorite things: cuddle on the couch and talk the evening away.

Bron had a busy year!  A year ago, our lives were totally different.  We were living in upstate New York and Bron was feeling a little overwhelmed in the midst of earning his Master's Degree.  He honestly didn't know where he would be or what he would be doing six months from then.  Our lives were open to endless possibilities!

Let's recap the year:

Bron began the year by passing both his comprehensive and written exams (hooray!) and then slaving away writing his thesis. In July, he presented his research at a worldwide dairy science conference in New Orleans--where he was also nearly eaten by a giant alligator on a swamp tour! Bron’s hard work paid off and he graduated with a Master’s Degree in Dairy Nutrition from the University of Vermont and Miner Institute. Shortly before graduating, Bron was offered his dream job as a Dairy Consultant in Idaho for a feed company known as J.D. Heiskell.  He has hit the ground running for this new company and really enjoys working with farmers and their livestock from Utah all the way to Montana.  I am so proud of him!

In late July, we (read: Bron) packed up all of our belongings and moved across the country. Jed and I played at a family reunion in Zion’s National Park while Bron and his brother made the cross country trek in a gutless truck… that broke down in the middle of nowhere Kansas. What an adventure!  I'm glad I wasn't there.

Bron and I celebrated his big accomplishments by spending five heavenly days in paradise: Hawaii. We had the time of our lives—just the two of us—exploring, swimming, eating, and relaxing with no stress and self-imposed deadlines (aka, the thesis) to meet.

Shortly before Halloween, we closed on our very first home in Kimberly, Idaho.  We've already experienced a few mishaps in home ownership, but we are thrilled!

And life isn't showing any signs of slowing down for a while either...

Happy Birthday, Bron!!!  You deserve more than I can give you.  I hope this year is just as adventurous as the last.

Jed "learning" how to make some sushi rolls from Dad.


  1. Happy Birthday Bron! I just got your card and letter today. Thanks! They are so nice!

  2. Happy Birthday! Sometimes the best birthdays are a nice quiet night at home

  3. Happy Belated Birthday, Bron!!!!


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