Coronavirus Update: Under the Governor's 21 Day Stay at Home Order

Coronavirus Update: Under the Governor's 21 Day Stay at Home Order


^^Chasing rainbows first thing in the morning.^^ It has been two fulls weeks since the kids' school was cancelled and we've been practicing "social distancing."  Last Wednesday, the governor of Idaho officially mandated a 21 Day Stay at...

How I'm Feeling About the Covid-19 Pandemic Five Days Later (Hint: I'm Angry)

How I'm Feeling About the Covid-19 Pandemic Five Days Later (Hint: I'm Angry)


I know, I know.  This is all just going to be a blip in the big scheme of things.  This too will pass.  I am actually optimistic in a bright future.  In the mean time, however, please forgive me for expressing all of my feelings. ...

How I'm Feeling About the Coronavirus Pandemic at the Moment

How I'm Feeling About the Coronavirus Pandemic at the Moment


^^I made brats for dinner one night and then let mine get a little cold while I grabbed this shot in the living room.  #photogproblems^^  Well, this is one of the craziest things that has ever happened in my lifetime.  I've lived through...

Fourth Baby Bumpdate: 28 Weeks

Fourth Baby Bumpdate: 28 Weeks


Helllooo 3rd trimester! It's the final countdown.  Only 10 more weeks and some change to go (if I deliver at 39 weeks again) but who's really counting?  Me, of cours...

Artifact Motherhood | Season of Motherhood

Artifact Motherhood | Season of Motherhood


Current state of pregnancy at 27 weeks with baby number four: using my belly as a tabletop. I'm going to miss this perk.  This is Artifact Motherhood; a collaboration of artists from around the world who have come together to share our stories...

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