Happy New Year!  2020 Recap

Happy New Year! 2020 Recap


The year 2020 definitely took a few unexpected turns. It's been a stressful and emotionally taxing year.  And strangely, a very lonely feeling year. I do NOT recommend having a baby, selling a house and building a home all amidst a global pandemic...

Six and Seven Months with Ezra

Six and Seven Months with Ezra


Some things I want to remember about Ezra halfway through his first year on earth:::  Ezra is a solid food eating pro. He enjoys snacking on bits and pieces of my meals throughout the day when appropriate and eats one bigger meal of veggies and...

A Video of Ezra at 6 Months

A Video of Ezra at 6 Months


I promised myself I'd take some more video of Ezra at 6 months old, so here it is!  It's precious footage of my last baby sleeping in his crib (the lip sucking!), discovering his feet, and showing off his new trick: rolling over.  I love this...

Five Months with Ezra

Five Months with Ezra


A few points I jotted down to remember Ezra at 5 months old::: Ezra is a dream baby!  He is quiet, content, and happy.  He sleeps and naps like a champ!:: Baby Boy loves to kick and spalsh in the bath.  He's not quite sitting up, so he...

Artifact Motherhood | Season of Motherhood

Artifact Motherhood | Season of Motherhood


My favorite spot in the house right now.  It doesn't look like much; the chair is weathered and stained, but it's the corner in our home where I find slices of daily joy as I rock and nurse my last baby.  I'm taking it all in: Ezra's tiny toes,...

Four Months with Ezra

Four Months with Ezra


We cannot get enough of this sweet chunky baby!!!  This month...Ezra discovered his hands.  It's one of my favorite milestones.We lovingly tease him with the name, Vulture Head.  Lol.  We visited Zoo Boise and when we passed the vulture...

A Two Minute Snapshot of Ezra at 3 Months

A Two Minute Snapshot of Ezra at 3 Months


Sometimes a photo cannot capture everything I love or that makes me happy.  The way Ezra always has his hands in his mouth, moves his little feet, and squeals are all just a fleeting phase.  On a whim last night, I switched my camera over...

Three Months with Ezra

Three Months with Ezra


These past months with Ezra have brought back so many memories of my first summer as a mom with Jed - ten years ago!  I remember Jed getting fussy around 4PM every day.  So at 4PM every afternoon, I took Jed outside and laid him on a blanket...

A Mid-Summer Update

A Mid-Summer Update


^^Hammock hangs in the backyard at bedtime.^^What's been happening around here...AT HOME:Overall, we're having fun and doing well!As a mother, I feel like I'm beginning to get my feet back under me... just in time to start a strange school year. 😜 Adding...

Back to Church... with Masks

Back to Church... with Masks


Baby's first time to church!  And our first time to church in five months.  Yay!  Wearing masks, hand sanitizer, and closed off hallways and pews made church feel anything but normal... and hot.  But we bought three new pairs of boys'...

Two Months with Ezra

Two Months with Ezra


Someone pinch me. Sometimes I look at this sweet little squish and cannot believe he is here and he is real. I have a baby again! It is the sweetest feeling. Why must the first 365 days go so fast? I want to soak in every moment and every phase. At a...

Portrait with My Baby

Portrait with My Baby


Living on cinnamon bears + dry shampoo + baby snuggl...

Baby's First Big Holiday | 6 Weeks with Ezra

Baby's First Big Holiday | 6 Weeks with Ezra


Happy Independence Day weekend!  Wishing you all a safe and happy holiday. Ezra is 6 weeks old today.  I feel like this age always marks a new phase in my babies' development. This precious baby can be so alert and is beginning to smile...

One Month with Ezra

One Month with Ezra


Time is such a bittersweet thing these days. Ezra is one month old. The last four weeks have been a sleepless but beautiful blur of nursing, diaper changes, and snuggles. By far my favorite part of having a newborn are the cuddles! It's hard for...

A Birth Story for Ezra

A Birth Story for Ezra


He's here!  Introducing the softest and squishiest bundle of joy who completes our family. Meet Ezra Glen Nelson born on Friday May 22, 2020 at 4:29 PM weighing 9lbs 1oz and 21.5 inches long. Ezra is my tiniest baby with by far the...

Artifact Motherhood | Season of Motherhood

Artifact Motherhood | Season of Motherhood


Baby's first sunrise.  Just think: a whole lifetime of possibilities ahead!   I wonder who this little boy will be. ***** This is Artifact Motherhood; a collaboration of artists from around the world who have come together to share our...

Welcome to the World!

Welcome to the World!


He's here!  Introducing the softest and squishiest bundle of joy who completes our family.  I cannot get enough of those sweet cheeks.  I'm a mother of four now and it feels so right.   Ezra Glen Nelson  Friday May 22,...

4th Baby Bumpdate: 38 Weeks

4th Baby Bumpdate: 38 Weeks


Wrapping up this pregnancy journey with one last belly picture.  It feels bittersweet. Because I make much bigger than average babies, the plan is to be induced this Friday at exactly 39 weeks.  That's less than three days away!!! ...

Funny Faces

Funny Faces


Funny Faces! I'm at that point in pregnancy where all I want to do is sit on the couch, eat ice cream, and cry.  But Levi gave himself his first real dose of road rash from crashing on his bike today and needed a little distraction. ...

A Day in the Life 2020

A Day in the Life 2020


Welcome to the 8th annual Day in the Life Post -- also known as the annual post that almost didn't happen.  Between this quarantine and being nine months pregnant, I feel pretty spent of creative energy.  But I knew that if I dropped the ball...

Fourth Baby Bumpdate: 36 Weeks

Fourth Baby Bumpdate: 36 Weeks


May is here!!!  It's finally baby month!  I can hardly believe it.  The thought that I will be holding another baby so soon feels surreal.  We are really going to have another baby?!  It blows my mind.  I am so excited. ...

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