A Day in the Life 2019

A Day in the Life 2019


Welcome to the 7th annual Day in the Life post!  I can't believe I've been doing this for so long.  I have enjoyed documenting a day each May.  It's a lot of work, but I cannot believe how much changes from year to year.  It means...

The 3rd Annual Nelson Camp and Climb

The 3rd Annual Nelson Camp and Climb


I just made that title up, but I think it's about time this little shindig of ours got an official name.  Yes, this is the third year in a row that the Nelson crew has gotten together in the month of May to camp near Castle Rocks and go climbing...

My Feral Toddler and Spring Cleaning

My Feral Toddler and Spring Cleaning


The weather is beautiful which means I can no longer hide my feral child under warm layers or within the walls of our home.  Conrad's new favorite activity: get naked and play in the dog water. Remember, he poops he pants and loses his shoes...

Spilling the Details About My First MCO Concerts

Spilling the Details About My First MCO Concerts


Remember when I auditioned and joined the Millennial Choirs and Orchestra back in February?  Well, everything turned out better than I could have ever anticipated. First, I have to say that the MCO repetoire has exceeded all of my expectations. ...

Spring Stories

Spring Stories


Spring is here!!! ::  Sometimes when I want to shoot just for me, I attach my old and not so reliable 50mm lens with the intent to capture what I can and practice free lensing.  It helps me let go of my perfectionism and just shoot from...

A Special Girls' Weekend

A Special Girls' Weekend


Yes, it's as crazy as you might suspect.  I spent three days at home recovering from jet lag (Poor Jessie.  She went to Hawaii.  Haha.) and then turned around to drive to Utah for a special girls' weekend with some of the ladies in...

A Dozen Years Together

A Dozen Years Together


Celebrating 12 whole years together with this handsome man!  I didn't grow up with very many good examples of what a healthy relationship looked like, but this guy right here has patiently taught me how to build a marriage that is much more than...

Naughty Puppy

Naughty Puppy


^^Unsolicited puppy kisses.^^ Misty, our six month old puppy, has given us a couple of scares recently!  Perhaps she's just reminding us about how much we really do love her despite her efforts to dig up the yard and steal every morsel of...

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