A South Hills Afternoon Adventure

A South Hills Afternoon Adventure


I can't believe June is coming to a close and that we're launching straight into July already!  There's a lot to look forward to this upcoming month, including a big family reunion and a getaway vacation to explore Glacier National Park. ...

Snapshots of Summer Fun

Snapshots of Summer Fun


We've been playing hard all month!  Long warm sunny days just beg to be spent outside.  So we do!  These last few weeks have been loads of fun, especially with my two energetic little boys.  Their enthusiastic smiles melt my heart. ...

A Summer Solstice Weekend

A Summer Solstice Weekend


I have to get this off my chest: Sundays are quickly becoming my least favorite day of the week.  Church is right smack in the middle of nap time and we are definitely paying for the boys' lack of sleep!  They are waking nightmares all...

My Hands Are Full With This Kid

My Hands Are Full With This Kid


^^The next Evil Knievel.  Yes, that is Levi riding on top of a table.  ALL his idea.^^ We just spent the majority of our week playing and enjoying ourselves on the Nelson Dairy.  We love visiting family!  Grandma spoiled us with...

Earthly Father, Heavenly Father: Happy Father's Day!

Earthly Father, Heavenly Father: Happy Father's Day!


To recognize Father's Day this year, I want to share this short video.  It sums up so well much of what my own dad did for me as a kid, what Bron does for our family now, and is a reminder of the very real presence my Heavenly Father has in my...

Some Might Say I'm Losing.  I Call It Winning.

Some Might Say I'm Losing. I Call It Winning.


^^Winning: All dressed before noon with a little makeup on.  Dry shampoo is a girl's best friend!^^ Sometimes when it looks as though I'm losing, I'm actually winning.  I am constantly reminding myself: I'm a great mom.  I'm doing...

Some Short Stories About Two Crazy Little Boys

Some Short Stories About Two Crazy Little Boys


I apologize for the lack of pictures around here (gasp!), but sometimes I'd simply rather live in the moment than document it.  But that doesn't mean we haven't been having any fun!  We've been playing with friends outside, riding our bikes,...

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