How Both Jed and I Feel About Preschool These Days

Jed has been going to preschool for a few weeks now.  And as horrible as that first week was for me (I absolutely hated that Jed was away from me for half a day Monday through Thursday!), I am feeling much better about it now.  It still stings a little--the realization that Jed is becoming such an independent little boy--but I am so very proud of him.

Jed seems to like preschool very much.  He can barely keep his little size nine feet from running down the hallway to his classroom each morning.  Jed can recognize his name now and comes home with a plethora of art projects and new information.  He counted up to six objects for me today!  And he's been trying to sing his ABC's.  Even Levi has followed suit.  For now, the song is just a bunch of sounds--some correct, some not--put to music, but Jed is learning fast!  I couldn't be happier for Jed.  However, I honestly think the best part of Jed's school day is riding the kindergarten bus home.  He grins from ear to ear just talking about it.  

As for me, if you think I can get a lot done at home now with just one little boy in tow, all I have to say is, ha!  Hahahahaha!  Levi is my personal sidekick.  He's like a puppy dog that follows me around all day.  He's silly and very, very messy.  Oh, and needy.  Have I ever mentioned how much he loooves his mama?  It's honestly endearing.  He's really so much fun.  In the morning, Levi helps me with the house chores and begs for a bath with bubbles.  We read a lot of stories together and have even started going outside on runs!  Levi loves the fresh air while I can't believe how light a single jogger stroller feels now!  It's wonderful.  It's also just as wonderful to run errands in town with just one child... and he's strapped into the cart.  That means he's trapped with no where to go.  Lucky me, he's content there for now.  Isn't that exciting?!  So there are definitely a few perks to sending one child to preschool.

At 11:38AM each school day, Levi and I don our shoes and jackets to wait for the bus outside to deliver our sweet Jed back to us.  Levi holds my two fingers and we wave excitedly as the yellow bus drives down our street.  Then Jed appears at the top of the stairs.  The bus driver helps him with his backpack and he carefully descends the steps and out onto our driveway.  Jed wears a big smile and runs into my arms.  I love that part. 

So I guess you could say we're happy and doing well. 


  1. Hailey is looking forward to the day that she gets to ride the school bus. Lucky Jed! I'm glad you're feeling better about preschool. Sounds like he is learning and having fun!

  2. You guys!!! Cutest family ever! I love that he's loving preschool! I know it will break my heart when it's time for Mia to go to preschool, but I know it will be so good for me! And I think I'll love having the one on one time with my second child, when and if (okay, when, ha ha) that happens!!
    You really are an amazing mom, Jess!

  3. Yay!! I'm so glad you are both loving it. There is something about watching them learn new things and seeing the pride in their eyes that makes your heart so happy. It sounds like he is doing great!

    Every time I tell hadley to get ready for preschool her eyes light up and get all big and she asks excitedly if she is big enough to go to school by herself and I go home haha. Turns out she's a lot more ready for public school than I am.

  4. Such a cute post! I'm glad Jed is enjoying pre-school so much. It's funny how easy going to the store seems with one child after you've had two but when I just had Patrick, I thought it was hard having to haul just him. I love how you described waiting for Jed to get off the bus. You guys are such a sweet family.

  5. Yay!!! I'm glad that Jed loves pre-school and that you're finding peace with it too! It sounds like you're getting quite a bit accomplished in the mornings and that both you and Levi have an 11:38 a.m. tradition in welcoming Jed home from school. I love that you make everything exciting for your kids!


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