Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween!


...from our littlest spook. Yeah, I totally did. We have plans to dress up and party hardy today.  Our plans include a parade, a carnival at the park, and two trunk {trick} or treats.  If we're still in good spirits, we may hit up...

Snapshots of Life Lately

Snapshots of Life Lately


:: Sunday afternoon nap with Dad :: Kitty!  Kitty!  {Must be said in the highest range of your voice possible}  This cat hung out at our house for days.  Jed loved his new pal. :: Levi: I love how he rests his...

Of Pumpkins and Potatoes

Of Pumpkins and Potatoes


We love it when Bron is home.  We enjoyed some classic fall time fun this weekend!  Our little family hit up the pumpkin patch on Saturday afternoon.  Jed had fun running through the little straw maze; it was just his height! ...

Tummy Time

Tummy Time


Sooo strong! ....and then he lost his balance and rolled over.  Quite by accident, of course.   But can't I claim that he first rolled over on October 16th anyway? I can't help crooning over my own son's pictures.  He is just...

Family Pictures in 10 minutes

Family Pictures in 10 minutes


Levi is now ten weeks old and I realized that we didn't have a single picture of all four of us together as a family.  So when Bron arrived home from work at a decent hour, I informed him of what we would be doing that night.  But first, he...

Here's to Happiness This Week

Here's to Happiness This Week


 Things that put a smile on my face this week:  Watching Levi sleep peacefully in my arms.  I never want to put him down! Beautiful warm and sunny Autumn days Playing at the park with my boys Admiring Levi's new roly poly...

The Pumpkin Festival

The Pumpkin Festival


Among great weekend highlights like Kaleb's football game and general conference, we also hit up The Pumpkin Festival and Carnival.  It was a crisp and breezy perfect October day for celebrating Fall!  I bought a fistful of tickets and my...

Hi Levi! {Two Months}

Hi Levi! {Two Months}


This baby of mine is quite a momma's boy at the moment and I am very proud of it.  He prefers me over anyone else.  Of course, I am his sole source of comfort and provider of every meal.  As soon as I enter the room the tone of his...

The Most Pathetic Caramel Apples Ever

The Most Pathetic Caramel Apples Ever


Happy Weekend!  Lately our weekends have begun on Thursday.  It really doesn't matter what the reason; all that matters is that we're ready for something a little less ordinary.  We've been getting together with our neighbors a lot for...

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