A Visit From Grandma

Jed and Grandma Kelley
I am a mother and she is my mother.  It's really kind of a neat feeling.

My mom is absolutely thrilled with her new title of "Grandma".  She came out to visit us and her first grand baby last week.  It was so much fun to have her here!  She spoiled us rotten with home-cooked meals, doing all the dishes and cleaning (because it hurts to be on my feet for any prolonged amount of time), and even taking me shopping for some "fat clothes" to accomodate these burgeoning twin beauties that have taken up residence on my chest. 

Grandma held, rocked, and sang to Jed.  She also loved giving him a bath--or three!  Jed absolutely loved the warm water and having his tiny head massaged.  His eyes were wide and he was silent.  What's best is that my mom encouraged me and gave me some more confidence that I really can mother this little human being on my own.  I really do have the skills to be a mommy.  And with a little practice, those skills will be as smooth as melted butter.  Thank you, Mom!  We love you and miss you.      

Jed cuddling with Grandma

"Fluffy Head" after a bath

Our baby is 15 days old today.  He is a really content baby!  He is already changing right before our eyes.    He loves to stretch out and is increasingly more alert and awake.  Jed is wide-eyed most from about 9:00pm until midnight.  He also enjoys "tanking up" before bed, eating almost hourly.  But we love this kid.  Bron is a proud dad and loves showing him off.  I find my baby really sweet and endearing.  He's totally worth the sleepless nights.


  1. I love love love his hair! It is so adorable!
    How wonderful that your mom was able to come out and meet him. I know its hard for my mom being so far away from her grandkid and sure it is for your mom as well! Its wonderful that she got to spend some time with Jed while he is still tiny.. they grow so fast.

  2. I remember shopping for fat clothes with my mom! Ahh, the memories! He really is beautiful. I love love love his hair! I'm glad that you've been well taken care of by your mom!

  3. He is SO cute-which im sure you hear all the time! His hair is hilarious-i hope kinzi has lots of hair like that!

  4. I forgot to say congratulations on making it through the first two weeks! In my opinion, those first two weeks are the hardest! :)

  5. He's a cute little guy! I'm happy for your little family :)

  6. Congratulations! You did a terrific job. Jed is surely a darling and with your loving tender care, he'll grow up to be just a fine man someday. I am very happy for you and and very glad that your Mom spent time with you. It is very refreshing to read your blog as it tells the joys of motherhood with the gospel perspective. Thank you for doing this as this is the first one of its kind that I know of.

  7. I'm in on loving his hair as well. Too cute and hilarious! Fat clothes are the best!!! I mostly just wore Mike's shirts for the first month after Danna was born. Whatever works :)


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