Newborn Pictures

I have a camera and I'm going to use it!  I attempted to take some nice newborn photos of Jed and I learned quite a bit!  These are a few of my favorites.  I'm definitely open to suggestions.  Afterall, he's still a tiny baby and I can take more, right?

My absolute favorite picture

I love cuddling this precious baby!

Blurry, but too cute to pass up!

Have I mentioned how much I love, love, love, his little feet?  They are miniature Bron feet!


  1. I like the second and forth picture the best! You did a really good job.. and yes.. you can take as many pictures as you want! It never gets old

  2. I'm excited for when we actually get to see Jed in real life, but until then we appreciate the pictures.

  3. Great job Jessie! You have such an adorable little baby, and are going to have so much fun taking pictures of him over the years! You live in such a beautiful part of the country too. I'm jealous! The only picture that I thought the vignette might be a little strong is on the sepia one, but that's just my taste. My personal favorite is the last one. If you want to get rid of the wrinkles in the background on the last one you can burn the background at a high opacity. Again, great job, and I can't wait to see more of him as he gets older too!

  4. yay for baby pictures and cute little ones! whenever you're fed up with that little guy just look at these pictures all over again and you'll melt. . . too cute!

  5. he's a darling little thing!
    i like the one with the rings... thats creative. i've never seen a pic like that before.

  6. Oh my lanta! He makes my heart melt! 3,4 and 5 are my favorites! Poor baby is going to be tortured with pictures for the rest of his life! But he'll be so photogenic!

  7. That red and white blanket is the cutest thing i've ever seen! i'd LOVE to have something like that to take newborn pictures with. so cute!

    cute baby! good job!

  8. i think they look great! and i like the vignette, especially since it's black and white... i tend to over due it sometimes in editing too though, so i'm probably not one to listen to ;)

  9. I LOVE that pic of him smiling! Adorable!


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