Helping Dad Study

This one is for you, Momma Nelson!

Today is the last day of finals!  Wahoo!  Bron's semester is finally over.  He's been stressed to the max.  I think the end is cause for a little celebration and even more rest and relaxation, minus the papers. 

P.S.  We took the kid to Burlingon, VT to support Bron at his presentation on Friday.  Then we ate at Texas Roadhouse, of course.  It was Jed's first trip out of state!  He's a good little traveler.


  1. Love that shot! One picture can say so much.
    Funny Story. I remember the reunion after Luke was born. Grandma gave him a bath in the hotel sink and she scrubbed and cleaned out his little crevaces so well, and then she dried him really well. I remember her saying that you had to get all those little skin folds really dry so he wouldn't get moldy! That was the first time I ever heard something like that. I guess it could happen though. There's lots of milk that can drip into those little folds!

  2. I LOVE ALL OF THESE PICTURES. I remember that newborn exhaustion feeling and I don't know how you guys are going to school on top of the bubby. I love his fluffy hair and his cute little features. I love him. I want to meet him and see you guys! xoxo

  3. What a sweet moment. Congrats on your new little addition. He is so sweet and very handsome.

  4. ahh I cant wait for moments like these ones!


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