He's Here

Here is the awkwardly written post by the new father, Jessie will have a better post in the future, but I have what counts with the stats and PICTURES. Jedediah Flint Nelson made his arrival on Sunday at 8:25pm, coming in at 9 lbs 4 ounces and 22 inches long. He was born after 18hrs of labor, but only took 45mins of pushing to get him here—Jessie did amazing and was extremely determined (as many of you can probably imagine) to see her little boy. Both momma and baby are doing well and both came home last night (Tuesday) around 7:00pm. The first night was an adjustment to say the least, but we have high hopes that we may have figured a trick or two to help out.
Jessie and Jed minutes after his arrival
First Family Picture
18hrs old with Pop's
Jed Solo
(get used to the flash and click of mom's camera bud, you're her new favorite model)


  1. He is BEAUTIFUL! and look at all that hair! He is definitely going to be a tall boy. Congrats you guys.. I can't wait to see more pictures of him.

  2. Congratulations! I love that first picture! It is so sweet. It looks like he is smiling at his mommy! Glad everything went well. I love the hair, and can't wait to hear and see more!

  3. My mom, Emily and I are just heading out to get the little guy something. We will definitely stay away from the teeny tiny sizes! 9lb 4 oz., that is huge! Good work Jessie!

  4. congratulations. And way to go Jessie! 18 hours of labor?! sheesh! he is just perfect.

  5. Oh MAN! he is SOO cute!! Congratulations! Look at that hair!

  6. YAY!!! Don't worry, the first night home is always the worst. Ask any mom.

    Way to be a super woman! Can't wait to see more!

  7. congrats!! so happy for you guys!! he's adorable, and i love the name jed!

  8. He's adorable! But, we all knew he would be! Congratulations to both of you! So glad Bron was able to post pictures right away. I can't believe how big your cute baby is. Looking forward to more pictures once you've gotten used to your new crazy, hectic schedule. I'm sure you love him to death already! I can't believe how much hair that little guy has! I love the picture with you and him- I can tell how much you adore little Jed already! :) Miss you! And I hope to be able to meet him before he gets too old!

  9. YAY!!!! Congrats! Good luck with these first few weeks! It's the best and worst all at the same time! :) He's a cutie!

  10. My mom, Necia and I all say that he has your eyes Jessie! Necia wanted to tell you congratulations, and that he is very cute!

  11. CONGRATS!!! So cute! AND 9 lbs! Thats rough. seven was plenty. Way to go!


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