St. George for Spring Break Part I

When Bron and I arrived home from our trip to Mexico, it become obvious that Jed and Levi were a bit jealous and ready for their own fun and adventure.  So we booked a last minute place to stay in St. George, Utah for a long weekend getaway full of hiking, biking, and swimming.  Honestly, we could have stayed home and done many of the same things and had just as good a time.  Perhaps we will do that some day, but this year, it meant a lot to the big boys to do a little traveling.

Are you ready to read all about our family's vacation ups and downs?  Read on because the hills were high and the valleys low.  Balance, I guess.  I prefer to remember the highlights through pictures though.

We packed up the truck to begin our spring break adventure late Friday afternoon and arrived in Nephi, Utah a little after midnight.  The six of us squeezed into one budget hotel room for the night.  Jed, Levi, and Conrad slept in one queen sized bed while Bron and I attempted to sleep with Ezra in the other.  I didn't bring the pack 'n play because I did not think there would be enough room in the camper trailer we rented.  That was a mistake.  Ezra had napped a few hours in the truck and would not go to sleep!  Sitting up between us, he would gently touch my back and my face.  Then he'd touch Bron.  And then back to me again.  We hardly slept that night.  But I was awoken by five firm long kisses to my lips from Ezra, so that was nice!

We arrived in St. George late Saturday morning ready to play!  Our first stop was mountain biking at Bear Claw Poppy.  It was so much fun for the whole family!  Ezra screamed with glee atop his Mac Ride on Bron's bike.  Conrad attacked the hills.  We took the green lines down together; he's such a little stud.  And Levi tried some bigger drops!  What a night and day difference this trail was for us from a few years ago.

Next, it was time for a late lunch.  The magic of Thunder Junction Park never disappoints!  We all played on the toys until we were dizzy and went for a train ride.  The best part was watching Jed and Levi take care of their baby brother.  It made me realize how much more I need to encourage it at home!

After checking into our camping trailer (that was cute and clean and situated on someone's property in a quiet neighborhood), we set out for a quick trip to Wal Mart for some food and to buy a new pack 'n play.  Ezra rode in the cart screaming like a pterodactyl throughout the store.  It didn't matter what we did, he thought it was a hilarious game. Ezra giggled hysterically while Bron tried to hurry out in embarrassment.  Also, Ezra angry screamed for over an hour in his pack 'n play that night as we all settled down for bed.  Ugh.  But it was better than sleeping with him!  So it was a win, I guess.  Poor kid.   

We began our second day in southern Utah with a bike ride!  Bron dropped three boys and me off at the top of a trail and drove the truck around to meet us at the bottom.  Levi led out and of course did not take the time to read the trail signs and missed a turn.  I felt obligated to follow with Conrad!  We all wound up on the wrong trails -- Cowbell and Jem -- but fortunately wound up exactly where we were supposed to!  Whew.  From then on, Levi had to wait for us every time there was a fork in the trail or a sign.  Conrad, the little stud, tackled a few big hills and about 8 miles that day.  Impressive!

This trip with the whole family made me realize that we have some work to do together.  Please tell me, how do you foster sibling patience and love in your family?  Levi thought he had the worst day when I made him wait for Conrad and me on the bike trail so we wouldn't get lost or separated.  Jed just cannot seem to figure out how to play with the younger ones. "It's okay if the fort isn't exactly how you want it," I hear myself say. "He's a lot younger than you and hasn't learned how to do it yet."  My mama heart would love nothing more than to see these brothers develop a lifelong bond.  I know fighting and rivalry are normal parts of growing up in a family, but I pray for them to be each other's biggest fans too.

A big storm blew in just as we were finishing mountain biking.  What great timing!  We drove into the hills a ways where Bron introduced the rest of the family to an old ghost town known as Grafton.  You bet we went exploring in the rain and slick mud!  I think the cellars were the kids' favorites parts.  It's always so neat to step back in time and imagine the spaces and world in which these families once lived.   

Ezra was a gremlin that afternoon.  Wild boy!

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