Our Idaho Shag Puppies | One Month Photos

The puppies are four weeks old.  Their eyes are open!  They're nibbling on puppy food.  They're walking, stumbling, sniffing, exploring, whining, napping, and playing.  They are the cutest fluffiest bunch -- and though they pee everywhere -- have won my heart.  

Four weeks old also means it's time to start thinking about procuring forever homes for these sweet balls of fur.  I really hope we can find good families for these dogs.  Each would make a fantastic indoor companion or hardworking cattle dog.  Their DNA test came back.  They are, of course, 50% Australian Shepherd.  But they are also 26% Border Collie, 18% Australian Cattle dog, and 6% Super Mutt.  In other words, these puppies are a classic and super cute Idaho Shag.  Who wouldn't want them?! 

Right now the puppies have free reign of the back porch and part of the lawn, but spend most of their time in their whelping box where there's a heating pad and a rotating set of dry fresh towels.  Misty still nurses them.  When I peer through my window, I notice the puppies seem to operate in waves all day long.  Some hours they're all curled up together in the whelping box, fast asleep.  Other hours, they're all over the place eating, exploring, walking through the dog dishes, falling off the porch steps, and wrestling one another.

In an effort to sell the puppies, I took pictures of each of their sweet faces.  I'm posting them here with the names our family chose for each one and a little about each puppy. 

^^Chungus.  Male.  The biggest and chunkiest puppy of them all from the very beginning.  He's pretty chill.

^^Jack Peso.  Male.  A spunky loveable curious boy.

^^Squirt.  Female.  The runt of the litter, but she never gave me a reason to worry about her health.  She's a determined, fearless, and friendly little thing that keeps right up with her brothers and sisters.  

^^Uncle Carl.  Male.  He's a big puppy with a round face and lots of fluffy fur!  He seems to be a typical busy boy.  

^^Maybelline.  Female.  We named her Maybelline because her left eye looks like she's wearing winged mascara!  She's one of our more brave and curious puppies.  In fact, she got herself lost underneath the porch her first day out there and Conrad had to crawl down there to rescue her!  But she's also a calm snuggler.  The last few days she's crawled into my lap and fallen asleep.

^^Stella.  Female.  So far, she's flying under the radar as to her personality.  Somehow, she's always one of the first black and white puppies I tend to pick up.

^^Clover.  Female.  She has a sweet and kind soul; I can just feel it.  Plus, she's just plain beautiful.  

^^Poe.  Female.  She looks just like a Panda Bear.  She's definitely one of our favorites.  

^^Princess Sophia.  Female.  She's bold and friendly and probably most like her mama.  She is also one of the prettiest pups.

I will genuinely miss these puppies when they're gone!  I'm just trying to soak in all of this chaotic cuteness for the limited time we have them.  I kind of wish they'd just stay this way and we could keep them all.  But I know how hard one puppy can grow to be; I cannot imagine nine!  Anyhow, I know someone else who will probably miss them more: Ezra.  These puppies are his favorite play things.  He gets excited to see them first thing in the morning and after his naps.  I have to keep a watchful eye on Ezra as he plays because he's not always very gentle, but all in all, he's loving on the puppies the best ways he knows how!  He's pretty obsessed.       

^^Checking out that tiny paw.^^

We love you, Puppies!

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