Band of Brothers

I know I'm a broken record, but I'll keep saying it over and over again because I love it that much: Summer is my favorite season!  There aren't nearly as many comings and goings or places to be.  Instead, we get to pick and choose what we're doing and just be... together!  As an added bonus, I'm less stressed.

So far, this summer is different in one very significant way: both Jed and Levi are old enough to be quite independent.  The pair are as thick as thieves.  They excitedly head off to summer school together (through the end of June) and arrive home just in time for Conrad's nap.  Most days, they grab their own snacks, play with neighborhood friends, make art projects, play with Legos, and of course, watch some cartoons.  It's been very hands-free for me!  And I'm thrilled that my boys are getting that old school classic summer experience I've always dreamed for them.

However, it's not all roses.  I've also taken on the role of referee for this band of brothers.   As much as they love each other fiercely, these brothers also antagonize each other from sun up til sun down.  (Um, seriously?  Why in the world did you just take that book your brother was reading and hit him upside the head with it?  He might have a black eye!)  It can get pretty intense and rough around here.  Even the baby is getting in on the action now.  (FYI, he can de-pants like a pro during a 'wrestling' match.  Haha.)  So we teach and re-teach and get frustrated and discipline because some actions are simply not acceptable.  Bron reassures me that this is all a part of a normal brotherhood.  I sure hope so because more than anything, I want them to be friends both now and when they're older.  Siblings are such a gift.

Which brings me to my next thought: Summer is proving to be the best time to capture all three of my boys and their relationship TOGETHER!  The other night, I sat back on the lawn with my camera and laughed (while calling out instructions to 'be nice') as I caught these images of my children playing in the hose.  These pictures totally tell the story of my boys and their relationship as they are now.  I love them.  Poor Conrad is so picked on but also so well taken care of too.

^^Spray the baby!^^
^^Get Conrad!^^
^^Oh, Jed's turn to get hosed.^^
^^Run, Conrad!^^
^^Conrad has the hose.  He has the advantage.  Get him wet!^^
^^Levi deserves to get sprayed.^^
^^Retaliation.  Easy subject!^^
^^Messy grassy details^^
^^Levi: "I'm just gonna spit water on Jed as he comes careening out of the water slide!  It's funny."^^
^^Also Levi, "I wonder what will happen if I go head first?!"^^
^^Jed's turn: "I'm gonna peg Levi with a ball as he comes down the slide.  That's funny too."^^
^^Moment of brotherly love, I think: Levi taking Conrad down the slide!^^
^^Conrad thrilled with playing in the hose for the first time this year.^^
^^Can't get enough of that little belly!^^
^^Leftover ICEE in the shade^^
^^Just me being artsy.  I love seeing the shadows of the leaves and light on the side of our house each evening.  So I grabbed a picture.^^

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