Memorial Day Weekend on the Dairy

Memorial Day Weekend on the Dairy


We spent most of our three day weekend out on the Nelson family dairy farm.  They just installed four robots to milk the cows.  It's an incredible new operation: the cows walk into the parlor and a robot cleans the teats and milks them. ...

Sitting All By Himself and Other News

Sitting All By Himself and Other News


Always busy reaching for a toy and rolling halfway across the room, I thought Conrad would learn to scoot before he ever learned to sit up.  But suddenly, just like that one day, he's sitting up on his own!  He's growing like a weed...

Photo Dump

Photo Dump


A smattering of favorite photos from February through May--and the Instagram posts that go with them--that I don't want forgotten. ^^Looking like a little old man in his Sunday sweater. He's my live dolly.^^ ^^A peek into the boys' messy bedroom....

The Nelsons Climb Tiny Town

The Nelsons Climb Tiny Town


On Friday evening, after Levi graduated from preschool, Bron met all of his brothers for a night of camping at Castle Rocks with their families.  I graciously bowed out.  May is way too early in the year for me to go camping with a baby...

Mother's Day

Mother's Day


^^My new favorite picture.  Three in the frame!^^ "I have been that mother—the really focused, engaged, loving mother who was all in, enjoying every speck of every second of motherhood. I have had days of basking in the moment and wanting...

A Day in the Life 2017

A Day in the Life 2017


Wednesday May 3rd was a typical day here in the Nelson home, and yet, it wasn't either.  But for some reason I want to write it down and share it.  That day encompassed all the emotions I often have as a mother, from frustration to pure...

The Baby Conrad Growth Series: 6 Months

The Baby Conrad Growth Series: 6 Months


Dear Conrad, A whole half a year has flown by in a blink and we are celebrating your sixth month birthday.  I can't believe it.  Really, I can't believe how lucky we are to have you join our family.  Something about having you here...

Girls' Weekend in Utah

Girls' Weekend in Utah


Five days after getting home from our trip to St. George, I turned around and headed back to Utah to meet my mom, grandma, aunts, and cousins for a day at the BYU Women's Conference.  It was a girls' only weekend ( plus a nursing Conrad, of...

Spring Break in St. George

Spring Break in St. George


The idea started as a conversation among friends at church but snowballed into an actual Spring break adventure getaway!  The last weekend in April, Bron, Conrad, and I along with five other couples (and two more babies) drove down to St....

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