Our Chaotic But Very Fun Nelson Family Christmas

Our Chaotic But Very Fun Nelson Family Christmas


^^All twelve Nelson grandchildren in their matching Christmas jammies on Christmas Eve. With seven children age 3 and under, I should post the outrageous outtakes of all the crying and running around.  This picture is just short of a Christmas miracle.^^   I...

Bron's 30th Birthday Bash

Bron's 30th Birthday Bash


My burly protector and love of my life, Bron, turned 30 on Friday!  Let me repeat that: Bron turned thirty.  It seems a little surreal--for me anyway.  I mean, I remember when thirty was old!  It certainly doesn't feel that way...

Snapshots of Life Lately: December

Snapshots of Life Lately: December


Now that cold temperatures are settling in, we've been spending much more time inside the house.  Call me a wuss, but I don't like bundling the kids up to play outside when it's 20 degrees or less, especially when there's not much snow.  That's...

The Nativity Story

The Nativity Story


"As we seek Christ, as we find Him, as we follow Him, we shall have the Christmas spirit, not for one fleeting day each year, but as a companion always." --Thomas S. Monson   A couple of weekends ago, I had the opportunity to participate...

Weekend Notes

Weekend Notes


It's pretty obvious that Christmas is less than 12 days away... :: We kicked off the weekend with a short trip to see the lights at Rock Creek Station on Friday night.  We bundled the kids up, but they didn't seem to notice the biting cold. ...

Oh, Christmas Tree

Oh, Christmas Tree


Saturday morning we woke up to snow!  It was going to be the perfect day for a trip up into the South Hills to find Christmas trees--I could just feel it in my bones.  Our ward's Elders' Quorum hosted the activity. ...

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