38 Weeks Pregnant

38 Weeks Pregnant


Not the greatest picture, but you get the idea of just how round and big this belly of mine really is. Just a fun pregnancy questionaire! How far along: 38 weeks.  Woohoo!  Just 14 more days to go!  (Do I dare hope for less?) Size...

This Week...

This Week...


This week I've been feeling a bit nostalgic.  With just three weeks left until baby boy arrives, life as I know it is about to end.  It's about to end for Jed too.  Both of our lives are going to be thrown upside down for a while, but...

That Spark of Love

That Spark of Love


Jed and I played with chalk outside one morning. I wrote this, took a picture with my phone, and sent it to Bron. Friday night Bron took me out on a much needed date. He took me to a fancy restaurant situated on the edge of the Snake River...

My Two Year Old

My Two Year Old


I finally took my little man out to take his two year old pictures.  Everything was perfect: a happy well-dressed toddler, perfect sunny weather, and an old white barn next to a golden field for a backdrop.  Unfortunately, my camera was having...

36 Weeks

36 Weeks


Chant with me! One more month.  One more month.  One more month. I am HOT! Yes, I'm totally talking about how attractive that bump is, but more specifically, the temperature. My belly is a heater. In the afternoons, I play in the sprinklers...

Saturday was a Very Good Day

Saturday was a Very Good Day


Actually, we've been having several busy but fun Saturdays this summer! I snuck out of the house early on Saturday June 30th to go cherry picking at an orchard down in the Snake River Canyon with my friend, Kristin, and her family.  It was...




All of the flowers in my yard are in bloom!  They're gorgeous.  And they make me happy....

Happy Independence Day!

Happy Independence Day!


 July 4th is quickly becoming one of my favorite holidays.  It embodies all that I love about summer: sunshine and water, picnics and barbeques, people and games, and best of all, fireworks!  Plus, it was really fun to have Bron home...

Water Logged

Water Logged


Jed is hopelessly attracted to water: the sprinkler, the hose, a puddle, the swimming pool.  He is always wet! It's just one more thing to love about Summer and my funny little b...

Bryce Canyon

Bryce Canyon


This year the annual Smith Family Reunion was held in Bryce Canyon, UT.  I was antsy all week; I was so excited!  We left Saturday morning June 22nd a little after 6:00AM.  It was an eight hour drive and Jed was a champ.  He...

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