First Babysitter

Bron and I left Jed with a babysitter for the very first time last night! I was excited and a little nervous too.

Anna came over on Monday night to prepare for the big event. We walked through Jed’s standard bedtime routine. Anna fed Jed his rice cereal. She did a better job than I do! She is so patient and cute with Jed. And Jed is crazy about her attention. (We have to keep telling Jed she’s too old for him.) After some quiet playtime, it was time to put the baby to bed. Everything about his routine was kept the same, except this time it was Anna who sat with Jed in the comfy chair in the corner of the room. Jed absolutely refused to take the bottle of breast milk I’d pumped for him. Bron took a turn and was unsuccessful with the bottle too. But being the great dad he is, Bron quietly rocked Jed to sleep on his tummy full of rice cereal.

That’s when I realized I’m not the only person capable of caring for my baby. I thought my role as Jed’s mother was exclusive—it is—but if I were to die tomorrow, Jed would just grow up eating pizza and watching football alongside his daddy and turn out just fine. And that’s when I understood that I need my baby more than he needs me! It was a sad and bewildering moment.

Tuesday Bron tried giving Jed a bottle again. No luck. Jed just screamed. Wednesday afternoon, out of time and afraid my baby was going to be miserable for Anna, I pumped some breast milk and poured it into a sippy cup. Jed gnawed on it until I saw his second of surprise when he tasted something slightly sweet. Success!

While getting ready for our night out, I felt like I’d stepped back in time. Bron and I had a wonderful first three years of marriage together, just the two of us. I didn’t realize how much I miss that! Too bad last night’s date was more of a business dinner (on Miner’s tab) with another couple I’d never met before. Still, it felt relaxing and the food was delicious.

We arrived home over two hours later to a quiet house and a sleeping baby. Apparently Jed wasn’t too terrible. He sensed we’d left him and was a little ornery. He wouldn’t take the sippy cup either. But Jed was tired and went straight to sleep for Anna. Thank goodness.

I've come to the conclusion though that many people may be able to take care of my baby, but none can take my place as Jed’s mother because mothering is so much more than feeding a hungry mouth or changing a dirty diaper. I am a unique person—for better or worse—and so is my nurturing. I have a unique influence over my child and a love for him unlike any other on the planet. For now, I’m kind of glad that Jed didn’t take to a bottle very easily. Nursing is a habit that is comforting for the both of us. And I’d like to think of myself as a good habit.


  1. Nothing can compare to a childs mother. I remember hearing a talk or something back in the day where this guy got his patriarchal blessing and it said that everything he needed to know in life he learned from his mother.. and his mother had passed away when he was 3 or 4 yrs old! It shows what an impact a mother can have on her child!
    That being said, I remember the first time we left Travis home with a babysitter when we went out.. I cried like a baby and couldn't stop worrying! And now that hes 19 months old.. I have no problem doing it at all! haha

  2. It took me way way way to long to learn that I'm not the only one who can take care of my kids! Glad you guys got some time together!

  3. Congrats! Dates are always a good thing. I was in Meridian a couple weeks ago and wanted an update from your mom. Of course she was excited to tell me you are a mom! I am so excited for you!


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