Run for Jon and Corn

Ready for our run through the orchard

On Saturday afternoon, Bron and I participated in our first race ever. The Evans are a family in our branch at church who lost a son to cancer when he was just a young teenager. His coaches organized Run for Jon to raise money for the Evans to pay for travel expenses, hotels, food, and more while their son was in the hospital. The tradition continues twenty years later to help other families in need. And it was a ton of fun! It seemed the entire community turned out for the occasion. There were all sorts of people, from high school track teams to competitive runners, and easygoing people like Bron and me. There was a fun run for the kids, a one mile walk, and a 2.5 mile race! We raced. We were official and had numbers pinned to our shirts and everything. I signed up for the jogger stroller division. The race wound through an apple orchard—it was so pretty! Pushing the stroller through the grass, however, was more difficult than I had anticipated. But I never stopped. Bron beat me by a long shot. It was a good challenge for him and he was there to cheer me on at the end. To top it all off, I actually won something—the ever coveted apple! I came in first in the women’s jogger stroller division! (I won’t tell you how many women actually competed in that division though because I want you to think I’m awesome.) It was a great evening out as a family and with friends! We’d totally do it again.

My prize: the coveted apple!

Pickin' Corn
Natasha, Anna, and Jessie

Sunday afternoon, the girls came over. We talked, we laughed, we picked corn, we shucked it, we boiled it, we cut it off the cob, we starched my kitchen floor, we sprayed the walls, and we bagged 40 quarts of corn to be frozen! I think we boiled nearly 200 cobs! So delicious. I think we’ll have a corn chowder cook-off later this year. And Jed will be eating top notch stuff in a few months. Lucky kid.

Oh, and I have to give Bron credit for babysitting all afternoon.  Jed wore him out!  Bron is such a good daddy. Thank you, Honey!

The Mess.
And in Jessie's defense, that's a prego belly you're looking at!

1 comment

  1. This pic turned out really well! Thanks for defending my belly! :-)


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