Lyon Mountain

Lyon Mountain. The lone peak. We climbed it on Saturday afternoon. It was a fairly easy hike. The trail actually had switch backs before it ascended straight up a dry river bed. Jed just sat back and watched the trees go by from his seat against Bron’s chest. The three of us made it to the peak in one piece and even clambered up the steps to the top of the old smoke tower there. The view wasn’t as rewardingly spectacular as some others we’d seen, but still beautiful. We relaxed and enjoyed the moment as a family.

Then it was time to put Jed back into his front carrier and head back down the trail. He cried the entire three miles down. And when I say cry, I mean scream bloody murder. I’m talking gagging and gurgling and flinging drool. It was a full blown fit! And Jed didn’t wear himself out either. He was like a siren; he’d wail at the top of his lungs and then wane and start again. Needless to say, it wasn’t our best hiking experience.

Anyhow, here are a few pictures of the good parts.

Bron and his boy, The view

Jed still happy as a clam

Sunday evening we were invited over for dessert over at the Evans’ beautiful home. Then we all headed over to the Peru Community Center to hear a local Celtic/Country band called Inisheer play. They were fantastic; so talented and so much fun to listen to! Not one song was a dud. When Jed became bored and fussy, Bron took him right outside to sit under a tree. Jed talked and kicked and pulled up fistfuls of grass. Despite Saturdays’ fiasco, Bron loves spending time with his boy. I love that. I love my little family. What a good weekend.


  1. It sounds like Jed is tired of riding in the carrier, he's all ready to be walking and hiking on his own.

  2. How cool! I really need to do stuff like that more. Sorry Jed wasn't in a good mood on the way down!

  3. Just feel lucky you were out in the middle of nowhere. Gavin seems to always have his fits at the grocery store in front of EVERYONE!! : )

  4. To answer your questions: to make my pictures look better on the computer I've started running an action called Heidi's resize and sharpen for the web on them. I just started using it in July on my blog. I got the action off of ILP. I reduce the sharpening layer to 3%. Any more than that, and I've found that it makes the pictures look worse rather than better. On my bubble lawn mower pics, those pictures were all backlight. Where I was facing and shooting into the sun just like your tub pics of Jed. I didn't really do much to them after that except run a vintage action on a couple of them. It was that action that I told you about before. Hope that helps, and thanks for all your nice comments!


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