The Painted Pony Rodeo

A Family Picture

Saturday evening we headed on over to Highgate, Vermont for a real rodeo!  It's not often we get a little taste of home out here.  So we all dressed in our country best: pearly snap plaid shirts (including Jed!) and cowboy boots.

The Bulls and a Buckin' Bronco

It wasn't the most impressive rodeo we've ever attended, but I think it was definitely worth the tickets.  The rodeo had all the standard events from muttin' bustin' to bareback riding to calf roping and last but not least, bull riding!  Plus, the dj's played the best variety of country music we've heard in a long time.  It was a fun evening out!

Dad and Jed
Jed got a little "overstimulated" and sacked out!

Folks, we have a true, full-blown, 100% Nelson on our hands.  I caught Jed with his thumb in his pocket.  It's a Nelson genetic trait for the males to stick their hands in their pockets and then strut.  It'll be some time, but we'll be watching for the strut on Jed next summer.

One of Jed's favorite toys is this cow.  Yes, he's a cowboy!


  1. How fun! Every once in awhile you can find some good western stuff back east! Glad you guys were able to get out and have fun!
    ps. Travis' favorite stuffed animal is a cow too.. he wont go to sleep with out it!

  2. I love that he had his thumb in his pocket, it is definitely a Nelson trait. I have yet to attend a rodeo, but it sure looks like fun for the whole family.

  3. First off, what in the world is "muttin' bustin'"? Jed is just getting cuter and cuter! I love the picture with his thumb in his pocket and that last picture with the cow!


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