The Nelsons Came to Visit

The Nelsons came to visit us all the way from Idaho! They stayed a week and the time flew much too fast. Bron’s parents came to see Jed for the first time and to experience a little of what our little corner of the East Coast has to offer. It was so good to see them and have them both here. We really miss family. Jed got to meet his name-sake and his grandma cuddled him. It was relaxing to have Mom here. She did ALL the dishes and gladly helped with the baby. What a nice break for me! Having her here also helped me realize that I can simply be me; I can mother my baby just the way that comes naturally to me. Momma Nelson loves Jed just as equally as my own mother, but they both interact quite differently with him, and neither way is better. I think they’d both agree that caring for the people we love is the very best job anyone could ever have!

Jedediah Flint with Flint and Jed enjoying some attention from Grandma

We did quite a bit of sight-seeing while our family was here. Jed has been a lot of places for someone so little. Too bad he won’t remember any of it!

Thursday I took our guests on a tour of the Miner Institute Farm and to the museum exhibit. Because I only know the cliff noted version about what is going on on the farm, Bron went back through the farm after work with his Dad and explained everything in much more detail. Whew. You see, Dad is a dairy farmer too. I think he gets a kick out of seeing other farms.

On Friday Jed took his first trip to a “foreign” country: Canada! We took the folks to visit Montreal. We spent the day touring many of the Catholic cathedrals and walking around Old Town. The best part of our day was actually towards the end of it when a street performer picked Dad out of the crowd (because of his Indiana Jones hat) and coaxed him to “roar” like a lion and dance. It was a riot!

Performing in the street

A few peeks at Montreal

We spent our Saturday in Vermont. We ate lunch at the Skinny Pancake in Burlington for some amazing variations on crepes. Then we toured the Ben and Jerry’s Museum. Dad never went a day without his ice cream. On this visit, we got to tour the Dead Flavors Graveyard too since the last time we visited there was snow on the ground.

A family picture because we loove ice cream!

Lastly, we made it to Sharon, VT to visit the site of the birthplace of the prophet Joseph Smith. The site had such a special spirit. There was a recording of the Tabernacle Choir playing from some speakers on the grounds. As a kid I had always associated the choir with General Conference, and back then, General Conference meant two long days of extensive talks and boredom. Now, however, I find myself enjoying Conference and the messages offered. I also love seeing our leaders and pictures of Temple Square. It’s reassuring to me, amid our awful circus of a branch here, that the Church is still true and that it’s thriving. Hearing the music brought such peace to me. Anyhow, a sister missionary took us on a golf cart ride to see the Mack homes, some awesomely old trees, and Camp Joseph. (I’m our district camp director!) Then we toured the grounds and monument and watched a Church movie about Joseph Smith. It all sounds so simple, but our trip to this site was my favorite of our week. It was an experience; and the experience reaffirmed to me what I already knew to be true.

Rocking Jed in a chair built by Joseph Smith over the same hearthstone the prophet was rocked.  Very cool.

Sunday Bron blessed our baby in church. Jed looked so handsome all dressed up in his little white suit! He was blessed with everything a mother would want for her boy.

Monday and Tuesday were slower days. We went to the lake and out to eat. Very relaxing.

Wednesday was the day we had to say goodbye and part on our separate ways, but not before we saw some more historical sites! We hit up Fort Ticonderoga (French-Indian and Revolutionary wars) and Fort William Henry (French-Indian war). Yes, the same infamous fort portrayed in the movie, The Last of the Mohicans. After a tearful goodbye at the airport, Bron and I decided to visit the Saratoga Battle Field (Revolutionary war) as well. It’s a beautiful area, and I, not a history buff, learned a ton! But alas I’ll forget most of it soon.

Fort Ticonderoga

Inside Fort William Henry

Don't worry, we didn't leave her there!
Jed checking out a cannon, thinking he could possibly fit as the cannon ball

View from a Saratoga Battle Field

It was a fun and busy week. I truly love all of my family. We miss you already! 

Good thing more will be visiting soon!


The Look of Concentration


  1. you look great in all of these pictures! not at all like you recently had a baby! and i love jed's little smile in the picture of him with you sitting on the chair at the joseph smith museum. (and i'm pretty sure that's the same site where my grandparents served their mission a couple years ago!)

  2. Sounds like you've seen all of the sights. Hopefully you're not too tired of visiting them for when Talon and I come out to visit. Jed looks to be growing bigger and bigger by the day, I can't wait to meet him.


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