
25 weeks
My baby just keeps growing... and so do I!
It's nice to finally look pregnant and not just chunky.

I just spent two blissful weeks at home with all sorts of family.  Pictures to come eventually.  (As soon as I figure out how to use my new gift from Bron: photoshop!)  I am now at home in New York and settling into my new role as at Stay-at-Home Wife/Mommy-to-be.  It occurred sooner than anticipated, but what's a girl to do?  I know: clean, organize, photoshop, scrapbook, exercise a little, and best of all, get our baby's room ready for his imminent arrival.  I have lots of projects planned for myself.  I think I'll stay plenty busy.  I think.    


  1. Jessie,
    What are you doing ice-skating when you're pregnant? Doesn't it throw off your balance? I hope you enjoy all of the time you have to do nothing but keep home, I love it even though it's not quite lax because school still keeps me pretty busy. Keep us posted, I love seeing pictures.

  2. Cute belly!!! I think photoshop could keep you plenty busy before the baby comes. I'm sending you an email about it.

  3. you look so cute!! I can't believe you kept it a secret for so long! Photoshop is one of my 'someday' wishes.. have fun playing with it!

  4. I want pictures of baby's room as you go along!

  5. Super cute tummy.
    A stay-at-home definitely takes some getting used to but you'll be a lot busier once that little one gets here.

    Enjoy your sleep till then :)


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