The stomach bug hit our family. It took down Ezra first. He threw up four nights straight! Poor baby. I slept (well, more like napped through the night) on a mattress in his room just so I could help him out. Then Jed came down with the bug on Monday. I picked him up from school and he slept on the couch for the majority of the afternoon. Finally, Levi threw up in the car on the way home from swim team. He said he felt fine... up until the moment he suddenly didn't. Fortunately, he threw up in a bag. Good boy! I was so relieved to find out that I didn't have to clean out the back of my car. So far, the rest of us have been lucky enough to avoid it. I'm crossing my fingers it stays that way. The even better news is that Jed and Levi are bulletproof. They bounced back quickly and are back in school.
Anyway, Monday was a day where I felt inspired to get out my camera a bunch. I love how much variety I can get just in a day -- even if it was a very imperfect, slightly derailed and messy day.